Thursday, August 28, 2008

Finding Time for Friends

Is there one person in the world who knows you like nobody else? Well for me its my cousin Emijaa. We've been close for as long as I can remember having the paths of our lives have defintiely differed, along with our opinions and thing remains the same..we've always been there for each other. I got together with her at B. Bmith's Restaurant in NYC (best bread pudding in the world...MAD GOOD!!!!) to catch up. When I need some real talk I always rely on Mish (that's what I call her) because I know she holds no punches, knows me in and out, is always gonna give me the harshest dose of reality when I need it. I LOVE to talk (if you haven't already noticed), and talking to Emijaa really rejuvenates me...its a great escape in conversation and always good positive company...Anyway we had drinks...(Bellini's were great)laughed, talked, just had a really great reminded me that in life we always have to cherish our friends and try to make time for them. Life may be busy and its truly hard to balance it all, but always try to find a little time for the people who love you most. Its also refreshing for you to submerge yourself in positive energy and the company of people who make you feel good. Friendships are part of who we are as individuals. Life & time may strain the bonds between you but you've gotta try to stay connected...even if its only once in a while.

1 comment:

Ms. MJ said...

I have to say every word of that is true... There is nobody that I know better and nobody I can honestly say who knows me better than my cousin Tiff... our lives have taken different turns especially when as kids we agreed that we'd get married together, have our kids at the same time, and live happily ever after at the same time... but that is not the reality of friendship! The reality is that you live your life and they live their life but you always come back to living life with each other keeping a positive lifetime bond of PURE friendship... friendship isn't a job nor should you feel as if your compromising who you really are to fit in with someone... Tiffany and I have ALWAYS been 100% with each other about who we are as individuals which has helped us to create a lifetime bond that can never be broken!! LOVE YOU TIFF!!! so for my comment... lol... love who you are as an individual, be true to yourself and your friendships will always remain strong, TRUE and PURE!!!