Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sonic Vision Rocked!!!

Celestial Artwork of the Hayden Planetarium Halls

So last night I spent an evening under the stars with Vic at SonicVision at the Hayden Planetarium. A few blogs back, I wrote about dating out of the box and this was definitely an out-of-the-box experience. The show was AMAZING!!! With music by Moby, Prodigy, Coldplay & Audioslave among others, the physchedelic trip through Moby's musical mind was escapingly exhilerating. Unfortunately I couldn't get any pictures of the show itself...(the planetarium's staff is adament about flash photography) but I encourage you to experience it first hand. The Flaming Lips "Do you Realize" and U2's "Elevation" segments were my favorites. A night under the stars, good music, and a virtual light show that made you feel like you were actually floating in space...this date was definitely unlike any other I've had...Check out this link to the show which is presented every Friday and Saturday night at 7:30 and 8:30 pm with some blackout dates!!!

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