Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sonic Vision Rocked!!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Finding Time for Friends

Building Confidence on the Playground
Amp Up the Glam for Fall

- Dark colors in fabrics like velvet and tweed
- Suits return in ultra feminine silhouettes...with super cinched waists and dramatic curves...belts are still a major accessory
- Gorgeous wow-factor evening gowns ;)
- Over-embellished accessories, and necklaces that have impact
- Long & lean silhouttes with low lying hems and sexy menswear
- Feminine jewel tone dresses and skirts and a shoe that POPS...
- Florals (in subdued winter hues), feathers (as embellishments on evening gowns), and even fur
...are just some of the trends that are hitting the fashion scene this fall. I'm definitely looking forward to them...this season's collections are full of beautiful clothes great for all those social functions that fill up everyone's Fall and Winter calendars. With all those holiay parties looming ahead, it won't be too difficult to find a couple stunners this season. Check out this link to Vogue's Guide for more fall looks
Don't forget to pair one of fall's extravagant looks with these two Fall Make-up musthaves
- Victoria's Secret High Definition Mascara in blackest black: The results are amazing...this masacara is lightweight, doesn't clump and doesn't rub off...but it washes off easily and is a steal at $12 for the results!!!
- Mac Lipstick in Underworld: Don't throw out your C-thru's, Chais, and 1N's yet, just make a space next to them for this fall staple; a deep burgundy matte lipstick that polishes off that opulent fall look. $14
Love all these designer fall fashions but can't stomach the price...Don't worry, achieving these aristocratic looks doesn't have to break your pockets...check for my upcoming blog on Recession Fashion where I'll show you inexpensively chic pieces that will help you achieve this opulent look for less.....LOVE
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Stepping Out of the Box for Love

Recession Beauty: Stagnant Economy have you foregoing your Salon/Spa trips?

My favorite spa therapy hands down are the exfoliating sugar scrub treatments. This one is a really good at home one. It has an exotic citrusy spicy scent and is super moisturizing. Its really messy though so prepare to confine yourself to your shower and clean afterwards. For a true at home spa experience, apply the sugar scrub, then wrap yourself in Saran Wrap and put on a bath robe for 20 know it sounds crazy but the results are worth it. Rinse and finish with your favorite moisturizer. $16

Turn your partner into the world's greatest massuese. This bottle pays for itself over and over. You can get at least 10 good massages out of this bottle and the scent is really relaxing. Alone and just wanna detox? Light some candles and simmer a little of this on the stove for an ambient aroma.

A good blow dryer is a must if you can't make it to the Salon regularly. Invest in a good ion blowdryer which is not only healthy for your hair but it reduces frizz. Its wonderful if you're a curly head like me because the ions really help against humidity and keeps your hair straighter longer. It does flips, curls and is great for bangs... I love it & I think its pretty reasonable for an ion dryer and it comes with pic attachment.
Sephora Brand Nail Polish

The Foolproof Plan The P.M. Session
So if anyone knows, I do, that raising small children at home is a full-time job, and especially in this fast paced world that we now live in its tough to pack everything all into one day, but so far you've gotten out of the house, exercised, and gotten the kids out, hopefully gotten a couple things done around the house, cooked dinner, and only have a play area to clean up...Its time for the p.m. session
- Encourage playtime- Roll around with your kids, take another walk, visit a park or pool, get them up, (out if possible) but get them going! Devote your time to just hanging out with your kids, bonding with them and spoiling them with love. Remember that you're lucky to be at home with them!
- Prepare for the homecoming- About an hour before your hubby gets home clean up & freshen up a little bit. Take your kids into the bathroom with you. Focus their attention by investing in tub crayons that they can draw with but can be rinsed off later. Put on a little make-up...a little concealer and blush goes a long way. Put on something that you feel pretty wearing. Its important that you feel happy and beautiful about yourself when your husband comes home. Try to find little times like these to remember to take time for YOURSELF. It is very important to still try to keep up some of your old routines once you become a mother because that's part of who you are. Also, chances are if you're a stay-at-home mom, you have a husband who works long hours...reward him with a smashing wife upon his arrival;)
- Finish dinner (if its not done already)- Or warm up what needs to be reheated. Utilize your never hurts to serve plates, warm them up and have dinner already on the table ;)
- Sit Down and have dinner- Put the kids in their highchairs if need be and relax and enjoy dinner. Don't forget to ask how his day was! Dwell in the fact that your kids are exhausted, they had a FULL, EXCITING day, you maintained a CLEAN home, COOKED dinner, hopefully got a couple things done, took a little time for yourself and looked BEAUTIFUL!
- Bathe the kids and put them to bed- After they've played with daddy and scrubbed their bums its night time, but you have to actually PUT them to bed...make a bedtime routine...tuck them in, turn off all the lights, read a story, give them a bedtime massage, whatever you have to do to get them on a bedtime schedule. Remember getting up early is the key. If your child wakes up at 7 am they'll probably be asleep by 8pm...(this will be so rewarding once shool starts). After the day they had they should drift off early. And you have the rest of the evening to do what you please, be it alone time or qt with your hubby.
With the obvious nature of life this routine couldn't be followed every single day, but I follow it when I can and when I should...if that makes any sense ;)...Developing a routine I would say definitely takes the stress and strain off of getting things done, and in turn I'm happier, I feel accomplished, and not so overwhelmed. Finding a method of spacing things out, knowing what your responsibilites are (what has and doesn't have to get done), and executing them is key for maintaining not only a home but a good dynamic in your marriage. Taking time for yourself and upholding your responsibilites as a housewife should never be in conflict...there will be times when you can't get everything done...but its up to you to find a way to make it work...this is my way and I hope it helps you...LOVE
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Foolproof Plan The A.M. Session
- Wake up early- The key to the whole plan. If you can't do this, you can't conquer the method. You've got to be up to get things done. But don't just get up alone, get the kids up too. The earlier they get up, the earlier they go to bed....this has to be your focus. If your children are used to sleeping late, the first couple days will be tough, but like anything else, they will adjust. Make it a point not to re-enter your bedroom all day if you don't have to. Make the bed, tidy up, remove whatever you need for the day so that when you return in the evening its strictly for sleep. Make a play area outside of your bedroom for your kids and allow them to play there for the day.
- Get the kids out for an a.m. walk- Young minds, especially baby minds need to get out and be stimulated. Take your child(ren) out for a walk. Its not only daily exercise for you, but an escape from the house. Find ways to incorporate your baby and his/her gadgets into your daily fitness routine. Climb hills, power walk, push your stroller with extended arms. Remember part of your overall happiness relies on your happiness with self. Remain happy with yourself by exercising guilt free---you don't necessarily have to spend time away from the kids to take care of yourself. Alternate between 3 routes everyday to keep thing variant.
- Stimulate your kids with educational television- After you've returned from your walk, sit your children down for some tv time. Opt for educational networks like NOGGIN and PBS rather than Nick and Disney where most of the viewing is commercials for toys. Use this time to catch up on some things that you may need to do...if your kids have a hard time focusing sans you...throw a snack into a mix to keep them occupied.
- Induce sleep post lunch-time- Swap a milk based beverage for juice at lunchtime (my sons love chocolate milk) to bring on the zzzzzz's. The average baby/toddler naps for about 1.5-2hrs daily so this is prime time for you. Also try to make them nap no earlier than 11 but no later than 1. This will ensure no late afternoon napping later. Use this time to cook dinner. In a perfect world, dinner would be coming out of the oven fresh upon your husband's arrival, but obviously you've gotta make it work the best way possible. If you have to cook something immediately before he arrives, cook everything else so that you can confine your babies to a highchair for a short amount of time later if need be. Keep weekday dinners simple....something you can cook in 30 mins. or less. Refrigerate what needs refrigeration, cover and set aside the remainder to be reheated later.
Invest in cookbooks such as Rachel Ray's 30 Minute Get Real Meals or my personal fav, Rachel Ray 365 No Repeats: A Year of Deliciously Different Meals.
Always remember never victimize yourself...Life is all about choices, you make the choice to wed and bear children, you make the choice to take on all that comes with just have to choose a method to make it all work...Victimizing yourself and drowning your husband in a slew of "I've been dealing with ______ all day" will only put a strain on your marriage. Take a step back, realize that you're in it together and there's a method to it all!!! Stay tuned for the PM session and more blogs to come