One thing kids are great at is opening your eyes to new things. They are also excellent at introducing you to new forums, ideas and mediums you may have never known existed. My son Mason is a huge animal lover. Right now he's really into sea creatures. He loves to watch videos of fish swimming around, and his favorite is Deep Sea 3D. Its an actual footage documentary narrarated by Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet and is actually pretty enjoyable and worth checking out if your child or a child you know is a fan of the Deep. Anyway, after a couple of Deep Sea marathons with Mason I took more and more notice of the message at the end of the movie about the turmoil of our seas and the global effect it has on the environment. It made me want to know more because I've discovered, through Mason's Deep Sea discoveries, so much of my own appreciation for the beauty of the sea and its creatures. I began noticing the signs were everywhere...They were all over the halls of the Mystic Aquarium in Mystic, CT. And, I definitely took notice of them on a recent visit

The environment is a HUGE issue for everyone, but especially for parents and our children and the world they have to grow up in. Be inspired by your child or a child to choose how you will play your role in mending the global crisis. My boys and I support Greenpeace and the campaign for the international protection of our oceans and seas. Who will you support?
Check out Deep Sea 3D: Its educational and informational viewing that you can actually sit through. The Manta Ray and Sea Turtle segments are great in the dark!!!Wanna help but can't make a financial donation? Sometimes helping out is as simple as adding your name to a petition, volunteering, participating in walks and fundraisers.Visit Greenpeace at this link:
http://www.greenpeace.org/international/campaigns/oceansand remember to pay special attention to the Marine Reserve Petition at right!!!! LOVE
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