Monday, September 15, 2008

Detoxing on Mondays

I don't know about you, but it seems like weekends are getting more and more hectic. With less and less time to get things done during the week, and events scribbled in every weekend for the next lifetime...weekends are getting used to their fullest potential. Whether you spent this past one hanging and partying with friends, or catching up with people or errands, or maybe even a little of both, chances are you need some down time. And nowadays Sunday isn't always that lazy day anymore is it? So what do you do? Improvise on Monday. If you have to go into work or you can't just lay in bed because you've got kids to tend to find a way to rejuvenate yourself for the week ahead. Treat yourself to a power your desk during lunchtime or when the kids are sleeping. On days when you feel burnt out...relax and reenergize. Not allowing your body the time it needs to recoupe will only make you cranky( Don't overload yourself on will be a crash and burn later. Of course, give your body the energy boosts it needs to keep you functioning, but think rest not overstimulation.
  • When you do finally have some down time...use it. Relax by dimming the lights and lighting candles. It sounds cliche but it actually works. Scents like chamomille, lavender and vanilla are good for relaxing.
  • Steam yourself in a shower. Adding a lavender scent to a hot shower releases a chemical that reduces cortisol...a trigger of stress. And as always a warm shower or bath is relaxing in and of itself.
  • Turn off your cell and television and turn on your iPod. Play songs that are going to soothe you, or that resonante happy memories. Have a glass of red wine. The melatonin in red wine will actually induce sleep. Try Merlots, Chiantis or Cabernet Sauvignons which are rich in melatonins.
  • Blow out the candles and get some uninterrupted sleep. Once you're down stay down! ;)
  • Re-energive yourself in the a.m. with a natural energy drink and a good breakfast. Regain all the energy you lost this weekend by refueling yourself with Vitamin C, protein and natural energy boosters like Ginseng and Green Tea. Light a citrus scented candle while you're getting ready or preparing breakfast in the morning.

With life being as fast paced as it is and weekends being venues of craming it all in, its important not to forget to rest and take time to reenergize your body. Sleep is important to your body's overall wellness and important functions such as your metabolism and immunity. Don't forget to detox after a full weekend....its also important for your mood, beauty, and happiness!!!LOVE

Don't really know just how important sleep is to your health? Check out this link and find out why rest is soooooo important!

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