Unless you've been sleeping under a rock, you know that the Stock Market is crumbling, Wall Street is under Federal investigation, the economy is the worst its been in a REALLY long time, and experts are comparing our economy at present to that of The Great Depression Era. What is now at stake, and apparently up for grabs is $700 billion of taxpayers' hard earned money to mend the crisis. While Republicans and Democrats fight about who will spend it and just how, what do you know about where your, or your significant other's hard earned money will be going? Does it mean stability for you and/or your family or a multi-million dollar severance package for a Wall street exec? Its no secret of mine that I fully support presidential candidate Barack Obama and his plan to mend the national crises, and his run for presidency. No matter who YOU support, I think we can all agree that the American public deserves to be considered in this financial "clean-up", especially when our hard earned dollars are the medium being used to fix the economy. I want to invite you to visit a link about what Obama/Biden are considering in their quest to rebuild the faltering economy, (eg. no exorbitant buyouts for Wall Street execs, helping homeowners facing fraudulent foreclosures etc.) and support their campaign by adding your name to the petition that I think will help EVERYONE. What's happening now doesn't just affect the rich. As we have already seen, the everyday Joe has already been called to help through his/her taxes. Economics def has a trickle down affect, and times are projected to get worse; try to secure stability for you and yours by taking heed to this crisis and the subsequent "economic fix" that politicians are presenting. If everyone plays a part, there can be a change....LOVE
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