Kudos to my personal favorite presidential candidate Barack Obama who said,
"Let me be as clear as possible, I think people's families are off-limits,
and people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our
politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as governor or her
potential performance as a vice president."
in reference to the news about the Republican Party's new Vice Presidential's nominee, Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter being pregnant. Obama also said reporters should "back off these kinds of stories" and referred to the fact that he was born to an 18-year-old mother.
Way to go Barack!!! A presidential candidate who's definitely proved to us in more ways than one that he is definitely in touch with the American people and our issues!!! Perhaps politicians will finally realize that the act of governing and leading should NEVER be determined or judged by personal issues, but the integrity of abilty and the execution thereof!!! Keep rocking Barack...you've definitely got my vote!!!!
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